移民超市欢迎您! 美国国务院EB-5投资人签证专用咨询邮箱:NVCeb5@state.gov

移民超市-最权威的美国 EB-5 投资移民资讯网



2011-2-2 15:48 原作者: admin


USCIS Issues Guidance Memorandum on EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program

华盛顿2009年6月19日 – 美国移民局今天发出了一份指导性备忘录,为移民局裁决官员提供关于工作产生时机和全职工作岗位的指导。U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today issued a guidance memorandum that provides USCIS adjudication officers with instructions related to the timing of job creation and the meaning of “full-time” positions in the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program.

该指导性备忘录更新了裁决官手册,澄清了有关I-526申请和工作职位创造要求,移民局将考虑将两年时间的开始自I-526表格被裁定的6个月算起。The guidance memorandum update to the Adjudicator’s Field Manual (AFM) (see link to memo under Related Links on right side of this page), clarifies that for purposes of the Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur (Form I-526) adjudication and the job creation requirements, USCIS will consider the two-year period to begin six months after the adjudication of the Form I-526.

移民局官员将确定与I-526同时递交的商业计划合理显示出需要产生的工作职位将于2年后被产生出来。对于区域中心申请和间接就业职位的创作,移民局裁决官员可能考虑依赖多种因素的经济模式来显示工作职位的创作和投资资金来决定“是否所需要注入的资本和直接就业能产生一定数量的间接就业。” USCIS officers will ensure that the business plan filed with the Form I-526 reasonably demonstrates that the requisite number of jobs will be created by the end of the two-year period. For Regional Center petitions and for purposes of indirect job creation, USCIS adjudicators may consider economic models that rely on certain variables to show job creation and the amount of investment to determine whether the required infusion of capital or creation of direct jobs will result in a certain number of indirect jobs.

移民局还下结论说一度被认为是临时和间断性的直接或间接工作(比如建筑工作)在申请I-526或者I-829的申请时候,可能被认为是永久工作职位,如果这些职位能被预期超过2年时间。USCIS also has concluded that certain direct and indirect jobs that would have previously been considered to be temporary or intermittent (such as construction jobs) may be considered as permanent jobs for Form I-526 and the Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions (Form I-829) purposes if the positions can be expected to last at least 2 years.


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