移民超市欢迎您! 美国国务院EB-5投资人签证专用咨询邮箱:NVCeb5@state.gov

移民超市-最权威的美国 EB-5 投资移民资讯网


Vermont州新当选州长Peter Shumlin支持eb-5投资

2011-1-12 07:53 原作者: admin

当选为佛蒙特州第81届州长的民主党人Peter Shumlin在当选后表示,新官上任三把火,eb-5募资支持地方经济为其一。继续延续原共和党州长对eb-5项目的强烈支持。

上任之初立法方面的讨论(Issues for the 2011 Legislature)第一条就是eb-5移民:

1. 工作Jobs: 强化eb-5项目的支持就意味着融资和就业。A strong support for the EB 5 program which is a means of generating capital which in turn creates jobs.
2. Food: If we can grow and process 10 percent more of our food, we could add millions of dollars each year to our state's economy. This would lead to many more jobs such as processing, distributing and selling of Vermont food.
3. Biomass and co-generation: This could provide a large economic benefit to our state. Vermont currently sends about $1.4 billion dollars out of state to purchase fuel. Biomass and cogeneration could provide millions of dollars in economic activity in Vermont in the form of work to foresters, loggers, truckers, and construction workers.

文章链接: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20110111/OPINION02/101110317/My-Turn-Plenty-of-work-to-do-from-jobs-to-permit-reform

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